Tuesday, February 21, 2012

what are islam beliefs ?

what are islam beliefs ?
Islam Beliefs :
Islam (in Arabic الإسلام,  al-Islām ) is a religion monotheistic Abrahamic dogma which is based on the book of the Koran , which states as a fundamental premise for its believers that "No God but Allah  and that Muhammad is the last messenger of Allah ".  The Arabic word Allah, with Spanish as Allah means "God" and its etymology is the same as the word Semitic El , with the appointment of God in the Bible .  Islamic scholars define Islam as "submission to God Almighty through monotheism , obedience and abandonment of idolatry '.  The holy book of Islam is the Qur'an ,  given by Allah to Muhammad through Jibreel (the Archangel Gabriel ).  The followers of Islam are called Muslims (Arabic muslim مسلم, 'who submits ").  Testify that Muhammad is the last prophet sent by God and seal of Prophethood. 

 Accepted as prophets primarily (but not limited) to Adam , Noah , Abraham , Moses , Solomon and Jesus .  Besides the Koran, the Muslim tradition Sunni are also the Hadith and the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad, who make up the historical record of the actions and teachings of the Prophet.  Are also accepted as sacred books the Torah (the Old Testament of the Christians), the Books of Solomon and the Gospels (the New Testament ). 

 Islam is a religion Abrahamic monotheistic worship Allah alone without partners.  It is estimated that there are currently between 1,000 and 1,200 million Muslims in the world.  According to the Vatican , Islam (along with all its ramifications) is the religion most prevalent in the world, as it has recently exceeded the number of Catholics ,  and the second largest religion in the world if we add the number of adherents of the various Confessions Christianity . 

 Islam began with the preaching of Muhammad in AD 622 in Mecca (in modern Saudi Arabia ).  Under the leadership of Muhammad and his successors, Islam spread rapidly.  There is disagreement among Muslims and spread of whether religious or military imposition, or at converting people to Islam.

Etymology and meaning :
The word Islām, triliteral root slm, is derived from the Arabic verb aslama, which literally means' to accept, surrender or submit. "  Thus, Islam is the acceptance and submission to God.  The faithful should demonstrate their submission worshiping him, following his orders strictly and abolishing polytheism .  In the words of Arabist Pedro Martinez Montávez : 
 It is often said that Islam means total submission to God, which is undoubtedly true, but the fact remains that this is the translation of only part of the word.  It is a second part to translate, based on the linguistic root from which it derives, which covers the semantic field of welfare, safeguarding, health, peace.  This means, simply and profoundly, that the believer submits to God, is put into their hands, because you are sure that this becomes safe.  Note also that Islam and salam, which is as it says in Arabic peace-terms are brothers, deriving both from the same root. 

 The word is given by numerous meanings in the Qur'an.  In some verses (ayat, in Castilian verses ), the quality of Islam as an internal conviction is stressed: "For whoever wishes to send God, he expanded his chest to Islam."  Other verses connect the word Islam and DIN (usually translated as 'religion' or 'faith'): "Today I have perfected your religion (din) for you, I have completed my blessing upon you, I have approved Islam for your religion." Still, some features described Islam as an action of returning to God, rather than just a verbal affirmation of faith.

Doctrine of Islam :
The doctrine has Islamic five pillars in their faith as part of the inner workings of the Muslims .  The pillars are: 
  1.  The profession of faith , that is, accept the basic principle that there is only one God and Mohammed is the last and most important of his prophets. 
  2.  Prayer. 
  3.  The zakat or zakat (sometimes translated as charity), ie, sharing resources with the needy. 
  4.  Fasting in the month of Ramadan . 
  5.  The pilgrimage to Mecca (for those who can) at least once in life. 

 However, Islam Shia have five pillars, different from the other branches, more abstract and internal. 

 To these add some Muslims the sixth pillar of jihad or effort in defense of the faith.  In strictly religious terms, it is understood primarily as a spiritual endeavor within each believer revive their faith and live by it.  This is called the greater jihad, while there is a lesser jihad that is to preach Islam and defend it from attack.  This latter concept was born the idea of ​​jihad as a struggle or war that has become popular worldwide. 

 Moreover, according to Qur'an all Muslims have to believe in God , his angels , his books, his prophets , the predestination and in the next life.

God :
God in the Quran is named himself as God, a name derived from the Semitic root 's .  Although the term is known in the West as a reference to the Muslim God, for Arabic speakers (of any religion, including Christians and Jews) is used as a reference to "God".  Belief in God within Islam consists of four aspects: 
 In His existence .  This guide primarily by the Creator to His servant,  later by evidence of the natural human instinct, reason, senses, signs on the building and as the main evidence, the sacred texts. 
 That He alone, in His acts and domination of this universe , that is: He only Creator, Sustainer, Ruler, and so on. 
 That He is the only divinity and sustainer of the divine qualities, therefore He alone is worthy of worship. 
 In His names and attributes of God consists in saying what you have said of Himself in the Qur'an or through the prophet Mohammed , their names and attributes of God, without distortion, denial, or liken it to something of this world. 

 Since this is the same God of Christians and Jews , Muslims qualities that are attributed basically the same as those attributed to him, but there are considerable differences.  It is noteworthy, however, that Islam, like the Judaism but away from Christianity , insists on its radical unity ( tawhid ), ie, one and has some individuals (as stated on the other hand most of the current Christian with the dogma of the Trinity ) in its unique character and unrepresentable. 

 Islam refers to God as well with another ninety-nine names, which are all epithets referring to qualities of God, such as El Clemente (Al-Rahman), the prized (Al-'Aziz), The Creator (Al-Khaliq .)  All the 99 Names of God receives the Arabic name al-Asma 'al-Husna or' the most beautiful names', some of which have been used also by Christians and Jews or have appointed gods of pre-Islamic Arabia .  Some traditions say that there is a hundredth name which remains unknowable, which is the subject of mystical speculation and that is sometimes defined as the immense Name (ism al-'Azam), or as the name of Essence, a figure which also exists in Judaism, and has been very important in Sufism .  Other times, it simply uses the word rabb (Lord). 

Mohammed said that God had 99 names, in this verse of the Koran are some: 
 Is Allah "no God but God", the Knower of the unseen and the seen.  He is the Compassionate, the Merciful.  Is Allah "no god but God," the King, the Holy One, Peace, who gives security, the Custodian, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Supreme.  Glory to Allah!  He is above what they associate!  It Allhá, the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper.  It has the most beautiful names.  What is in the heavens and earth glorifies Him.  He is the Mighty, the Wise.

The word Allah is the source of some Spanish words as " hope "(llah wa sha 'Allah and wants')," ole "(wa-Allah 'for Allah') or" pull "(yā llah, 'oh Allah ').

The Koran :
The Koran is the holy book of Islam.  Muslims believe was revealed to Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel between 610 and 632 , the last date on which the prophet died.  In addition to its memory, it is said that the followers of Muhammad wrote the Koran in scrolls, stones and leaves. 

 Muslims believe that the current text of the Qur'an is identical to the revelation received by Muhammad.  He, in turn, dictated to his disciples, who memorized his words.  Current scholars claim that the first written compilation of the Qur'an dating from the time of the third caliph, 'Uthman ibn' Affan , who ruled between 650 and 656 . 

 There are many traditions and different views about the process of compiling the Qur'an.  Most Muslims accept hadiths which indicate different: the first caliph, Abu Bakr , ordered Zaid ibn Thabit to compile all the authentic verses of the Qur'an, as preserved in writing or through oral tradition.  The compilation by Zaid, kept by the widow of Muhammad, Hafsa bint Umar, and was used by 'Uthman, is the basis of the Qur'an today. 

 The version of 'Uthman organized the suras (chapters) by extension, so that the longest are at the beginning of the Koran and the shorter end.  There are theories that suggest that this order is not chronological sura was established by God. 

 The Koran, modern version of Al-Azhar, 1123 . 

 The Koran was originally written in Hijazi script, masq, ma'il and Kufic.  At first, no vowels, only consonants, following the technique of writing previously in force in Arabic and other Semitic languages ​​of the Arabian Peninsula.  To avoid possible disagreements regarding the content of the verses of the Koran, were created diacritical marks to indicate vowels or lack thereof, the hamza and the extension phoneme or consonant gemination.  However, no punctuation, question mark or exclamation, as the Arabic language had particles (short words) question and emphasis. 

 The form of the Qur'an most used today is the text of Al-Azhar in 1123 , prepared by a group of prestigious scholars of Islamic University of Al-Azhar of Cairo . 

 Most Muslims revere the Koran.  Wrap it in clean cloth and wash their hands before prayer or to read it.  The Qur'anic copies are not destroyed as obsolete old paper, but burned or deposited in "tombs" to the Koran. 

 Many Muslims memorize at least part of the Quran in its original language.  Those who memorize the Quran are fully known as Hafiz.  Today there are millions of Hafiz in the world. 

 Since the beginning of Islam, most Muslims consider the Qur'an is perfect Arabic version only when it was revealed.  Translations are not infallible interpretations of the original text.  Many current versions of the Koran indicate the original version in Arabic on one page and the vernacular in another.

Prophets :
The Koran states that God sent a messenger ( prophet ) to each community , calling to worship only God , and to disbelieve in everything that is worshiped besides Him  Each was truthful, guidance, and rectum, and obeyed God as entrusted to them, none of them changed or altered his message.  They were all human beings, creations of God , without qualities of divinity and Lordship, and can not respond if asked for help.  The Quran mentions more than 20 prophets, from Adam to Muhammad and calls Mohammed , "seal of the prophecy , "  believe that His mission was to restore the divine message to its original purity, as at the time did Jesus of Nazareth or Issa ibn Maryam in Arabic (Issa, Jesus, Ibn 'son', Mariam: Mary) , whom Allah in the Koran considered as a prophet and not his son.

Muhammad :
Muhammad (c. 570 - 6th July 632) was a leading religious, political and military Arab who founded the religion of Islam as a historical phenomenon.  The opinion of Muslims is not the creator of a new religion , but as the restorer of the original faith monotheistic of Adam , Abraham and others who had been corrupted.  In Muslim tradition, Muhammad is seen as the last and largest of a series of prophets, as a man very close to perfection, the possessor of virtues in all fields of life, spiritual, political, military and social.  For 23 years of his life, beginning at age 40, Muhammad reported receiving revelations from God .  The content of these revelations, known as the Qur'an , was memorized and recorded by his companions.  During this time, Muhammad preached to the people of Mecca , imploring it to abandon polytheism .  Although some converted to Islam, Muhammad and his followers were persecuted by the leading authorities of Mecca.  After 13 years of preaching, Muhammad and the Muslims performed the Hijra ("emigration") to the city of Medina (formerly known as Yathrib ) in 622.  There, with the converts of Medina ( Ansar ) and the emigrants from Mecca ( ​​Muhajirun ), Muhammad established his political and religious authority. 

 The Sunna , the compilation books containing the life of Muhammad, is of great value to many Muslims, and believe indispensable for the interpretation of the Koran .  This is because it has recorded within it that Muhammad himself ordered his companions to write down everything he said,  and according to the Koran, take their words as a revelation. 

 According to tradition, Muhammad was a man of excellent character,  handsome, uneducated and a prophet for all humanity.  It is common among the devout belief in the fact that Muhammad was illiterate is a signal that could only receive the Koran by divine revelation, given the complexity of the book.

Jihad :
Jihad (in Arabic , jihad جهاد "effort or struggle" transcribed to English or French , jihad) is considered the "sixth pillar of Islam" by a minority of Muslim authorities.  Jihad in its broadest sense, is classically defined as "the power to end someone's efforts, skills, or ability in contending with an object of disapproval."  Depending on the object, usually a visible enemy, the devil, and the everyday aspects of self, different categories of Jihad are defined: When used without justification is understood in its military aspect.  It also refers to efforts to achieve a true religious and moral perfection.  Some Muslim authorities, especially between Sufism , distinguish between "greater jihad", which belongs to the spiritual self-perfection, and the "lesser jihad", defined as war. 

 The defense of Islam, Muslims or their countries against the external enemy can effectively acquire the character of military struggle or holy war, and so is in the Koran, which is encouraged to fight against the infidels if Islam is attacked: 
Fight in the way of God those who fight you, but do not be the aggressor. God loves not the aggressors. Kill them where you find them, where you drove expúlsalos. The persecution of believers is worse than murder: do not meet in battle near the holy mosque until you have fought in it. If they fight you, kill them: that is the reward of the infidels. If they stop attacking you, God is Forgiving, Merciful.